AIATELLA Partnership
We are thrilled to announce that the Arizona Heart Foundation is partnering with AIATELLA. AIATELLA is at the forefront of AI technology that transforms cardiovascular workflows, delivering faster, more precise analyses and enabling preventative care through early detection.
This partnership will leverage AI technology to develop and scale preventive screening programs for cardiovascular disease.
With AIATELLA’s AI expertise and technology, we will increase the accessibility of preventive screening, enhance the precision of diagnosis, and achieve personalized management of cardiovascular disease.

Employee Ultrasound Scans
If you own or represent a business, we would love to work with you to provide your employees with an ultrasound scan. Ultrasound imaging is non-invasive, yet one of the most effective methods of detecting heart disease. All ultrasound screenings will be administrated by our students, under the watchful eyes of our instructors. Results will be sent to a physician for diagnosis/interpretation and employees will be notified within 30 days of the results.
We would be happy to work with you to schedule the scans. Please use the contact form or call us at 602-200-0437.
We ask businesses to provide a donation to our foundation to help cover the cost incurred. Depending on the number of employees, we would be happy to provide a recommended donation amount.

Workplace Wellness Days
If your business is hosting a “Wellness Day,” consider inviting us! We can bring portable ultrasound scanning machines and scan your employees right on site! Ultrasound imaging is non-invasive, yet one of the most effective methods of detecting heart disease. All ultrasound screenings will be administrated by our students, under the watchful eyes of our instructors. Neither a medical diagnosis nor consultation will be given but individuals may be advised to seek the advice of their own personal physician.
Please use the contact form or call us at 602-200-0437 to schedule.
We ask businesses to provide a donation to our foundation to help cover the cost incurred. Depending on the number of employees, we would be happy to provide a recommended donation amount.

Sponsorship Opportunities
Arizona Heart Foundation is looking for businesses that prioritize heart health and would like to be a sponsor. We have a few different opportunities depending on your passion.
Sponsor First Responders – We offer scans to any first responders and their families at no cost to them. This is a passion of ours and we will always say YES to first responders. These scans still have cost associated with them. We are looking for sponsors to cover this cost. Please contact us so we can create a sponsorship opportunity that fits your budget and provides your business visibility through multiple channels.
Sponsor Student Scholarships – Our School of Ultrasound is institutionally accredited and provides students an opportunity to start earning in just 12 short months. This is a great alternative to the traditional 4-yr college experience. However, our school does NOT accept federal student aid. You can help a student pay tuition by sponsoring a scholarship. Please contact us so we can create a unique scholarship that helps our students and fits your budget and provides your business visibility through multiple channels.
Arizona Heart Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization committed to the fight against cardiovascular disease through professional education and public awareness.